Chicago Fire FC Classes are the perfect opportunity for children of all abilities to develop their soccer ability and their love for the game! Working with professional coaches from Chicago Fire FC, our Classes focus on technical development and social-emotional learning, to elevate children as both players and people.

Please refer to the FAQ's section at the bottom of the page for more information.


Fire Pitch (3626 N Talman Ave)
Sunday, March 30th
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm (one-hour options)
6 - 12 years
Bradley Fieldhouse (2500 W Bradley Pl B)
Saturday, April 5th
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (one-hour options)
6 - 12 years
Bradley Fieldhouse (2500 W Bradley Pl B)
Saturday, April 12th
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (one-hour options)
6 - 12 years
Bradley Fieldhouse (2500 W Bradley Pl B)
Saturday, April 19th
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (one-hour options)
6 - 12 years
Bradley Fieldhouse (2500 W Bradley Pl B)
Saturday, April 26th
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (one-hour options)
6 - 12 years

Chicago Ridge Park District
January 25th - March 25th (Saturdays)
9:00 am - 10:00 am
6 - 11 years
Lemont Park District
March 11th - April 8th (Tuesdays)
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
5 - 7 years
North Riverside Park District
April 4th - May 23rd (Fridays)
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
5 - 8 years
North Riverside Park District
April 4th - May 23rd (Fridays)
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
8 - 10 years
North Riverside Park District
April 4th - May 23rd (Fridays)
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
10 - 12 years
Rolling Meadows Park District
April 7th - May 19th (Mondays)
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
6 - 8 years
Northbrook Park District
April 10th - May 22nd (Thursdays)
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
5 - 7 years
Northbrook Park District
April 10th - May 22nd (Thursdays)
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8 - 10 years
Lemont Park District
April 22nd - May 13th (Tuesdays)
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
5 - 7 years
Lemont Park District
April 22nd - May 13th (Tuesdays)
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8 - 10 years
Downers Grove Park District
April 22nd - May 13th (Tuesdays)
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
6 - 10 years


Classes 1
Classes 2
Classes 3


What should my child bring to class?

  • Soccer ball (1 per player)
  • Athletic attire including shin guards
  • Appropriate footwear (cleats or gym shoes)
  • Sufficient water and/or sports drinks
  • Sunscreen

What makes Chicago Fire FC Classes unique?

Chicago Fire FC Classes are the only classes in the Midwest that are operated by a professional soccer club. All classes will follow a curriculum specifically designed by soccer experts to meet the needs of youth soccer players of all ages and abilities.

What can I expect from a Chicago Fire FC Class?

Chicago Fire FC Classes offer a structured weekly experience with our professional coaching staff. Players will interact with their coach through a small group structure each week as they guide each participant through soccer skills and challenges. Sessions are structured around daily themes that take a closer look at technical soccer skills and holistic soccer concepts.

How do I register for a class?

Our online registration makes it easy for us to collect important medical information and parents/guardians to sign waivers prior to the start of the class. For all Chicago classes, registration will take place through Sprocket Sports. You will have to create a Sprocket account before being able to register for any Chicago class. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email that you have successfully completed the registration process. Some registrations must go directly through the school or park district. In that case, you will register through their registration platform.

What is the latest I can register for a class?

In order to ensure that the facility and our staff are properly prepared for the class, we do not allow same-day registration or walk-ons.

What documents am I required to review prior to the start of the class?

During registration, you will be asked to review and accept the following documents:

  • Program Liability Waiver
  • Participant Code of Conduct
  • Refund Policy

Are there classes for children of all ages and abilities?

The age restrictions for classes vary by location. All classes are open to children of all abilities!

For children aged 2 – 5 years, we offer a Little Sparks program. For more information, click here.

How will children be grouped in the class?

Players will be grouped based on age and ability, as well as previous playing experience. We will maintain a maximum 16:1 player to coach ratio at all classes.

Do I need to check in for classes?

Yes, on the first day of the class, we ask that you and your child arrive 5-10 minutes prior to the class in order to check in. At check-in, we will confirm that you are registered and confirm any important information (i.e. allergies/medical conditions, adults authorized for pick-up, etc.).

Parents/guardians are not required to stay while the class is underway.

What will happen in the case of injury at a class?

Each of our coordinators has received basic training in first aid, concussions, and allergies. If a serious injury does occur, then the coordinator will immediately contact the parent or guardian and, if necessary, the emergency services.

It is important that parents disclose all of the participants’ important medical information during registration to ensure that our coaches are aware of any pre-existing injury or illnesses.

What happens if I am late to drop off or pick up my child, or if I want to pick up my child early from a class?

If you need to pick your child up early, or know you will be arriving late, please contact the Program Coordinator so that we can be prepared for your arrival.

Are there bathroom facilities?

Yes, all classes will have some form of either permanent or portable facilities.

What happens if there is inclement weather?

We play in the rain! However, if the rain becomes hazardous to the players, coaches, or fields we will take a break under shelter and let the weather pass.

In the event of lightning, we will take the players to a safe location and wait 20 minutes after the last lightning strike before returning to the fields. If the storm lasts longer than 30 minutes, we will cancel class for that day and make every effort to make up the missed hours. Chicago Fire FC cannot guarantee to make up lost hours due to inclement weather.

We will remain cautious and communicate any cancellations at the earliest opportunity. All communication will be done via the email you registered your child(ren) with.

What happens if there is extreme heat?

The Program Coordinator, as well as the coaches, will monitor the weather forecast daily. If the heat index rises to extreme or dangerous levels, the class will be adjusted accordingly. We follow the below heat index guidelines at all classes- more information can be found at www.weather.gov/om/heat/index.shtml

Below 91 // Low (Caution)

Modify training to lessen intensity and length of session. Ensure that players are staying hydrated. Monitor athletes for any signs of heat illness.

92 to 103 // Medium

Use extreme caution. Monitor players for heat illness. Increase amount of water breaks and take breaks in shade. Shorten session length and modify intensity levels during training.

Greater than 104 // High to Extreme

Training is cancelled for all ages.

How will cancellations be communicated?

If a class must be canceled for any reason, the coordinator will send out an email to all parents. The coordinator will then call the parents of any participants who have not been picked up within 30 minutes of the email.

What is the refund policy?

In the event that you wish to cancel your class registration more than seven (7) days before the start date of the class cycle, a 25% cancellation fee will be charged. No refunds will be given for cancellations within seven (7) days of the start date of a class cycle. No partial refunds will be paid if participants miss any sessions for any reason. Chicago Fire FC will not issue any refunds for lost time due to inclement weather. Chicago Fire FC will work with the host organization to make up any missed time where possible. Chicago Fire FC cannot guarantee to make up lost hours.

There are no classes at my school or in my area; can I set one up?

Of course! Chicago Fire Soccer In The Community is always looking to expand its community outreach. If you are interested in having a class in your community please contact sitc@chicagofirefc.com for more information.

Who should I contact if I have additional questions about classes?


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